Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History at the McPherson Center July 2016 Website $13,500 To engage in a planning process aligned with the goals of the New California Arts Fund. Focus Area: Arts Engagement Term: 3 months Region Served: Central Coast Region
EngAge, Inc. July 2016 Website $220,000 To experiment with distance learning technology to provide arts programming to underserved, low-income seniors in the housing communities where they live. Focus Area: Arts Engagement Term: 24 months Region Served: Los Angeles Metro, Orange County, Riverside & San Bernardino
Oakland Museum of California Foundation July 2016 Website $70,000 To build staff leadership capacity for business development and revenue-generating activities. Focus Area: Arts Engagement Term: 7 months Region Served: Bay Area Region
Oakland Community Organization July 2016 Website $200,000 To ensure equity, access, and excellence in Linked Learning implementation in the Oakland Unified School District. Focus Area: Linked Learning Term: 12 months Region Served: Bay Area Region
Get Focused Stay Focused July 2016 Website $250,000 To build organizational capacity via evaluation, staffing, and program development. Focus Area: Postsecondary Success Term: 12 months Region Served: Statewide
Warehouse Worker Resource Center July 2016 Website $200,000 To increase voter participation in the warehousing communities of the Inland Empire region, and build support for Inland Empowerment Coalition’s Community Agenda. Focus Area: Fair Work Term: 24 months Region Served: Riverside & San Bernardino
Small Business Majority Foundation July 2016 Website $275,000 To create small business work-based learning opportunities for California students. Focus Area: Linked Learning Term: 12 months Region Served: Statewide
InnerCity Struggle July 2016 Website $200,000 To cultivate voter and civic engagement in East Los Angeles, through the Young Voter Engagement Project. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 24 months Region Served: Los Angeles Metro
Campaign for College Opportunity June 2016 Website $100,000 To improve student preparation, participation, and success in California's public colleges and universities. Focus Area: Postsecondary Success Term: 12 months Region Served: Statewide
Korean Resource Center Inc. June 2016 Website $300,000 For general operating support. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 24 months Region Served: Orange County
Southern California Public Radio June 2016 Website $200,000 To expand journalism coverage of public policy issues in Southern California. Focus Area: Media Term: 12 months Region Served: Central Coast Region, Los Angeles Metro, Orange County, Riverside & San Bernardino, Statewide
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights June 2016 Website $150,000 To expand voter participation among immigrant young adults through nonpartisan efforts. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 24 months Region Served: Statewide
University of the Pacific June 2016 Website $175,000 For research, public education, and technical assistance related to local redistricting commissions in California. Focus Area: Election Policies and Practices Term: 24 months Region Served: Statewide
Stanislaus Community Foundation June 2016 Website $300,000 To help facilitate the replication and long-term sustainability of the New Leadership Network in Stanislaus County with backbone support and network weaving. Focus Area: Priority Communities Term: 42 months Region Served: Central Valley - San Joaquin Valley
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center Foundation June 2016 Website $100,000 To support research on Asian American and Pacific Islanders communities in California, documenting their attitudes about the ballot initiative process. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 12 months Region Served: Statewide
Movement Strategy Center June 2016 Website $100,000 To support a new multi-racial civic engagement collaboration in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, such as Bay Area Rising. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 12 months Region Served: Bay Area Region
Guidestar USA, Inc. (CLOSED) June 2016 Website $250,000 To open a permanent GuideStar office in California to serve as the hub for product development, data science, design, and nonprofit programs. Focus Area: Research and Development Term: 12 months Region Served: Statewide
PowerPAC Foundation June 2016 $1,250,000 To support the collaborative study of integrated voter engagement practices across a set of diverse California regions and demographics, through an entity such as the American Majority Project Research Institute. Focus Area: Voter and Civic Engagement Term: 56 months Region Served: Bay Area Region, Central Valley - Northern Valley, Central Valley - San Joaquin Valley, Los Angeles Metro, Riverside & San Bernardino, San Diego and Imperial
Jobs for the Future, Inc. June 2016 Website $3,300,000 To support the Linked Learning Regional Hubs of Excellence. Focus Area: Linked Learning Term: 24 months Region Served: Bay Area Region, Central Valley - San Joaquin Valley, Los Angeles Metro, Riverside & San Bernardino
Linked Learning Alliance June 2016 Website $6,000,000 To support the implementation of Vision 2020 goals and longer term field ownership of Linked Learning reform efforts. Focus Area: Linked Learning Term: 24 months Region Served: Statewide