LinkedIn Bluesky Threads Facebook Resource May 18, 2013 Testing the Waters: California’s Local Officials Experiment with New Ways to Engage the Public Public Agenda, Institute for Local Government, Davenport Institute at Pepperdine University Findings indicate that public officials are ready for more effective approaches to engage residents in their communities, and are willing to work with community leaders. New research on the state of public engagement in California studied the perspectives of more than 900 elected and non-elected public officials. This report explores the attitudes of California’s local officials toward public participation in local governance. These officials believe that the current models for including the public in local decision making fail to meet the needs of both residents and local officials. Most local officials seek broad-based participation from the public and want to hear more about approaches that have worked elsewhere. Many are already experimenting with more inclusive and deliberative forms of engagement. Overall, this study suggests California’s local officials may be ready for newer and more effective ways to engage the public and for stronger collaborations with community-based organizations. The report also includes concrete recommendations for local officials and their institutions, civic leaders and their organizations, and foundations and other funders. The recommendations can help improve public engagement in local governance throughout California and, we hope, beyond. Download Executive SummaryDownload ReportDownload Infographic Voter and Civic Engagement (culminated)
Building an Inclusive Democracy: Key Insights from the Voter and Civic Engagement Initiative Resource March 16, 2020 Building an Inclusive Democracy: Key Insights from the Voter and Civic Engagement Initiative
Youth Power at the Ballot Box: How youth-led voter engagement efforts increased turnout among young voters in California’s 2018 midterm election Resource October 16, 2019 Youth Power at the Ballot Box: How youth-led voter engagement efforts increased turnout among young voters in California’s 2018 midterm election
Vote, Organize, Transform, Engage (VOTE): New Frontiers in Integrated Voter Engagement Resource October 16, 2019 Vote, Organize, Transform, Engage (VOTE): New Frontiers in Integrated Voter Engagement
Building Power for Justice: Shining the Light on Grassroots Efforts in California Resource September 20, 2019 Building Power for Justice: Shining the Light on Grassroots Efforts in California